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  • Chester (es)
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  • Decharneux (es)
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  • Boustan (es)
  • Boyarin (es)
  • Gieschen (es)
  • Hengel (es)
  • J. Andrew Overman (es)
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  • Koltun-Fromm (es)
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  • Chester (es)
  • Gibson (es)
  • Hurtado (es)
  • Mason (es)
  • Capes (es)
  • Foster (es)
  • Baumgarten (es)
  • Becker (es)
  • Cohen (es)
  • Cameron (es)
  • Kraft (es)
  • Frankfurter (es)
  • Collins (es)
  • Alexander (es)
  • McGrath (es)
  • Stanton (es)
  • Horbury (es)
  • Reed (es)
  • Birdsall (es)
  • Dunn (es)
  • Fitzgerald (es)
  • Perkins (es)
  • Goodman (es)
  • Bond (es)
  • Rives (es)
  • Newman (es)
  • Thompson (es)
  • Miller (es)
  • Casey (es)
  • Rowland (es)
  • Sanders (es)
  • Schwartz (es)
  • Gager (es)
  • Barclay (es)
  • Jacobs (es)
  • Schürer (es)
  • Fredriksen (es)
  • Schäfer (es)
  • Heemstra (es)
  • Segal (es)
  • Bauckham (es)
  • Goldsworthy (es)
  • McHugh (es)
  • Lichtenberger (es)
  • Epp (es)
  • Levison (es)
  • Tomson (es)
  • Elior (es)
  • DeConick (es)
  • Decharneux (es)
  • Boddens (es)
  • Boustan (es)
  • Boyarin (es)
  • Gieschen (es)
  • Hengel (es)
  • J. Andrew Overman (es)
  • Klawans (es)
  • Koltun-Fromm (es)
  • Regev (es)
  • Rosen-Zvi (es)
  • Safrai (es)
  • Salvensen (es)
  • Sandt (es)
  • Schremer (es)
  • Stuhlmacher (es)
  • Stökl (es)
  • Tropper (es)
  • Capes (es)
  • Becker (es)
  • Black (es)
  • Vermes (es)
  • Reed (es)
  • Dunn (es)
  • Millar (es)
  • Goodman (es)
  • Bond (es)
  • Miller (es)
  • Schwartz (es)
  • Tomson (es)
  • DeConick (es)
  • Capes (es)
  • Becker (es)
  • Black (es)
  • Vermes (es)
  • Reed (es)
  • Dunn (es)
  • Millar (es)
  • Goodman (es)
  • Bond (es)
  • Miller (es)
  • Schwartz (es)
  • Tomson (es)
  • DeConick (es)
  • 1973 (xsd:integer)
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  • 574.0
  • Introduction (es)
  • The Jews and Christians in the Martyrdom of Polycarp: Entangled or Parted Ways? (es)
  • Socio-Economic and Cultural Developments in the Galilee from the Late First to the Early Third Century CE (es)
  • The Parting of the Ways: Eschatology and Messianic Hope (es)
  • Discarding the Seamless Robe: The High Priesthood of Jesus in John’s Gospel (es)
  • What "Parting of the Ways"? Jews, Gentiles, and the Ancient Mediterranean City (es)
  • "The Parting of the Ways" from the Perspective of Rabbinic Judaism (es)
  • Beyond "Jewish Christianity": Continuing Religious Sub-Cultures of the Second and Third Centuries and Their Documents (es)
  • How Later Contexts Affect Pauline Content, or: Retrospect is the Mother of Anachronism (es)
  • Beyond the Spatial and Temporal Limes: Questioning the "Parting of the Ways" Outside the Roman Empire (es)
  • Mandatory Retirement: Ideas in the Study of Christian Origins Whose Time Has Come to Go (es)
  • Are Early New Testament Manuscripts Truly Abundant? (es)
  • "Jewish Christianity" after the "Parting of the Ways": Approaches to Historiography and Self-Definition in the Pseudo-Clementines (es)
  • The Understanding of Christ in the Pauline School: A Sketch (es)
  • The Destruction of the Temple and the Conformation of Judaism and Christianity (es)
  • ‘Men Casually Armed against Fully Equipped Regulars’: The Roman Military Response to Jewish Insurgence 63 BCE–135 CE (es)
  • The Lion and the Lamb: Reconsidering Jewish-Christian Relations in Antiquity (es)
  • Christophany as a Sign of “the End” (es)
  • Liturgy and Communal Identity: Hellenistic Synagogal Prayer 5 and the Character of Early Syrian Christianity (es)
  • Did Jewish Christians See the Rise of Islam? (es)
  • How We Talk about Christology Matters (es)
  • Jesus: “The One Who Sees God” (es)
  • Jews and Heretics—A Category Error? (es)
  • Paul’s Religious Experience in the Eyes of Jewish Scholars (es)
  • Matthew's Christology and the Parting of the Ways (es)
  • Modeling the "Parting of the Ways" (es)
  • On the Changing Significance of the Sacred (es)
  • Pauline Exegesis and the Incarnate Christ (es)
  • Problems of the Clementine Literature (es)
  • Resurrection and Christology: Are They Related? (es)
  • Why Did Judaeans Go to War with Rome in 66–67 CE? Realist-Regional Perspectives (es)
  • Sadducees, Zadokites, and the Wisdom of Ben Sira (es)
  • Semantic Differences; or, "Judaism"/"Christianity" (es)
  • Diaspora Reactions to the Destruction of the Temple (es)
  • The Lamb on the Divine Throne (es)
  • Tractate Avot and Early Christian Succession Lists (es)
  • Vespasian, Nerva, Jesus, and Fiscus Judaicus (es)
  • Rabbi Ishmael's Miraculous Conception: Jewish Redemption History in Anti-Christian Polemic (es)
  • The Question of Anti-semitism in the New Testament Writings of the Period (es)
  • The Rule of the Martian in the Ancient Diaspora: Celsus and His Jew (es)
  • Beyond Naming: Laws of Minim in Tannaic Literature and the Early Rabbinic Discourse of Minut (es)
  • The Parting of the Ways: The Evidence of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic and Mystical Material (es)
  • The Septuagint as a Collection of Writings Claimed by Christians: Justin and the Church Fathers before Origen (es)
  • “How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God?”: A Reply (es)
  • Syncretistic Features in Jewish and Jewish-Christian Baptism Movements (es)
  • Yetser Ha-Ra and Daimones: A Shared Ancient Jewish and Christian Discourse (es)
  • Remembering and Revelation: The Historic and Glorified Jesus in the Gospel of John (es)
  • The Jewishness of Jude–James–Hebrews in Light of Purity (es)
  • The Promise of the Spirit of Life in the Book of Ezekiel (es)
  • The “Most High” God and the Nature of Early Jewish Monotheism (es)
  • When Did the Understanding of Jesus’ Death as an Atoning Sacrifice First Emerge? (es)
  • Prophetic Identity and Conflict in the Historic Ministry of Jesus (es)
  • Jewish-Christian Relations in Barnabas and Justin Martyr (es)
  • Zipporah's Complaint: Moses is Not Conscientious in the Deed! Exegetical Traditions of Moses' Celibacy (es)
  • Animal Sacrifice and Political Identity in Rome and Judaea (es)
  • The Fiscus Judaicus: Its Social and Legal Impact and a Possible Relation with Josephus’ Antiquities (es)
  • Whose Fast Is It? The Ember Day of September and Yom Kippur (es)
  • The Weighing of the Parts: Pivots and Pitfalls in the Study of Early Judaisms and their Early Christian Offspring (es)
  • The Carabas Affair : An Incident Emblematic of Philo’s Political Philosophy (es)
  • "In Him was Life": John's Gospel and the Parting of the Ways (es)
  • ‘Jews’ and ‘Christians’ in the Eyes of Roman Authors c. 100 CE (es)
  • The Didache, Matthew, and Barnabas as Sources for Early Second Century Jewish and Christian History (es)
  • Flourishing before the Crisis: Mapping Judaean Society in the First Century CE (es)
  • Introduction: Traditional Models and New Directions (es)
  • Yavne Revisited: Jewish ‘Survival’ in the Wake of the War of Destruction (es)
  • A Convergence of the Ways? The Judaizing of Christian Scripture by Origen and Jerome (es)
  • Anger, Reconciliation, and Friendship in Matthew 5:21-26 (es)
  • Brill (es)
  • Yale University Press (es)
  • William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (es)
  • Princeton University Press (es)
  • New Press (es)
  • Westminster John Knox Press (es)
  • Augsburg Fortress Publishers (es)
  • Fortress Press (es)
  • Baylor University Press (es)
  • John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (es)
  • Brill (es)
  • Yale University Press (es)
  • William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (es)
  • Princeton University Press (es)
  • New Press (es)
  • Westminster John Knox Press (es)
  • Augsburg Fortress Publishers (es)
  • Fortress Press (es)
  • Baylor University Press (es)
  • John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (es)
  • 9780300084573 (xsd:double)
  • 9780664250171 (xsd:double)
  • 9780691153902 (xsd:double)
  • 9780800662097 (xsd:double)
  • 9780802831675 (xsd:double)
  • 9780802844989 (xsd:double)
  • 9781118465653 (xsd:double)
  • 9781506438146 (xsd:double)
  • 9781595588784 (xsd:double)
  • 9781602580268 (xsd:double)
  • 9789004182554 (xsd:double)
  • 9789004278394 (xsd:double)
  • Christopher (es)
  • Jonathan (es)
  • Andrew (es)
  • Peter (es)
  • John (es)
  • Martin (es)
  • Rachel (es)
  • Daniel (es)
  • Addison (es)
  • Joshua (es)
  • Amram (es)
  • Maurice (es)
  • Adiel (es)
  • Paula (es)
  • Adrian (es)
  • Richard (es)
  • David (es)
  • Marius (es)
  • Emil (es)
  • David B. (es)
  • Hermann (es)
  • Naomi (es)
  • Paul (es)
  • William (es)
  • Steve (es)
  • Peter J. (es)
  • Robert A. (es)
  • John G. (es)
  • John R. (es)
  • Charles A. (es)
  • Alister E. (es)
  • Andrew S. (es)
  • John T. (es)
  • Albert I. (es)
  • E. P. (es)
  • Averil (es)
  • Helen K. (es)
  • James B. (es)
  • Eyal (es)
  • Philip S. (es)
  • James D. G. (es)
  • Alan F. (es)
  • Larry W. (es)
  • Pheme (es)
  • Ze'ev (es)
  • Baudouin (es)
  • Graham N. (es)
  • F. J. E. (es)
  • Eldon Jay (es)
  • Shaye J. D. (es)
  • Adela Yarbro (es)
  • April D. (es)
  • Adam H. (es)
  • Annette Yoshiko (es)
  • Carey C. (es)
  • E. Leigh (es)
  • Huub van de (es)
  • Ishay (es)
  • J. Neville (es)
  • John M. G. (es)
  • Marianne Meye (es)
  • Ra'anan S. (es)
  • Troy A. (es)
  • Christopher (es)
  • Jonathan (es)
  • Andrew (es)
  • Peter (es)
  • John (es)
  • Martin (es)
  • Rachel (es)
  • Daniel (es)
  • Addison (es)
  • Joshua (es)
  • Amram (es)
  • Maurice (es)
  • Adiel (es)
  • Paula (es)
  • Adrian (es)
  • Richard (es)
  • David (es)
  • Marius (es)
  • Emil (es)
  • David B. (es)
  • Hermann (es)
  • Naomi (es)
  • Paul (es)
  • William (es)
  • Steve (es)
  • Peter J. (es)
  • Robert A. (es)
  • John G. (es)
  • John R. (es)
  • Charles A. (es)
  • Alister E. (es)
  • Andrew S. (es)
  • John T. (es)
  • Albert I. (es)
  • E. P. (es)
  • Averil (es)
  • Helen K. (es)
  • James B. (es)
  • Eyal (es)
  • Philip S. (es)
  • James D. G. (es)
  • Alan F. (es)
  • Larry W. (es)
  • Pheme (es)
  • Ze'ev (es)
  • Baudouin (es)
  • Graham N. (es)
  • F. J. E. (es)
  • Eldon Jay (es)
  • Shaye J. D. (es)
  • Adela Yarbro (es)
  • April D. (es)
  • Adam H. (es)
  • Annette Yoshiko (es)
  • Carey C. (es)
  • E. Leigh (es)
  • Huub van de (es)
  • Ishay (es)
  • J. Neville (es)
  • John M. G. (es)
  • Marianne Meye (es)
  • Ra'anan S. (es)
  • Troy A. (es)
  • Pamela (es)
  • Fergus (es)
  • Martin (es)
  • Joshua (es)
  • Geza (es)
  • David B. (es)
  • Troy (es)
  • Matthew (es)
  • Peter J. (es)
  • Helen K. (es)
  • James D. G. (es)
  • April D. (es)
  • Adam H. (es)
  • Annette Yoshiko (es)
  • Pamela (es)
  • Fergus (es)
  • Martin (es)
  • Joshua (es)
  • Geza (es)
  • David B. (es)
  • Troy (es)
  • Matthew (es)
  • Peter J. (es)
  • Helen K. (es)
  • James D. G. (es)
  • April D. (es)
  • Adam H. (es)
  • Annette Yoshiko (es)
  • Parte 1 (es)
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  • Christianity: An Introduction (es)
  • From the Maccabees to the Mishnah (es)
  • The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (es)
  • Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity (es)
  • From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the New Testament Images of Christ (es)
  • Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion (es)
  • Establishing Boundaries. Christian-Jewish Relations in Early Council Texts and the Writings of Church Fathers (es)
  • The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (es)
  • Israel’s God and Rebecca’s Children (es)
  • The Jewish Gospels: The Story of the Jewish Christ (es)
  • The Jewish Jesus: How Judaism and Christianity Shaped Each Other (es)
  • Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: How to Write Their History (es)
  • Jews and Christians: The Parting of the Ways AD 70 to 135 (es)
  • The Ways That Never Parted. Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (es)
  • Christianity: An Introduction (es)
  • From the Maccabees to the Mishnah (es)
  • The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (es)
  • Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity (es)
  • From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the New Testament Images of Christ (es)
  • Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion (es)
  • Establishing Boundaries. Christian-Jewish Relations in Early Council Texts and the Writings of Church Fathers (es)
  • The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (es)
  • Israel’s God and Rebecca’s Children (es)
  • The Jewish Gospels: The Story of the Jewish Christ (es)
  • The Jewish Jesus: How Judaism and Christianity Shaped Each Other (es)
  • Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: How to Write Their History (es)
  • Jews and Christians: The Parting of the Ways AD 70 to 135 (es)
  • The Ways That Never Parted. Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (es)
  • I (es)
  • II (es)
  • III (es)
  • I (es)
  • II (es)
  • III (es)
  • Separación del cristianismo primitivo y el judaísmo rabínico (es)
  • Separación del cristianismo primitivo y el judaísmo rabínico (es)
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