__1st Dic 2014__\\ \\We release a new homepage

__4th Nov 2014__\\ \\The [proposal for a new infrastructure|propuesta de nueva infraestructura] has been accepted!!!


__10th April 2012__ \\ \\ The SPARQL Endpoint contains the last spanish wikipedia version (20th april 2012).

Besides new data, we have made some changes:

1) Now, resources are localized (start with http://__es.__dbpedia.org instead of http://dbpedia.org)

2) Resources are no longer codified using UTF-8 for IRIs

An example could make it clear: The resource {{{http://dbpedia.org/resource/Jos%C3%A9_Ortega_Cano}}}
 now it is {{{http://es.dbpedia.org/resource/José_Ortega_Cano}}}. Much better now, ¿isn't it?.