esDBpedia Spanish DBpedia

You are at the Spanish chapter of DBpedia (esDBpedia)

Español English

What is esDBpedia?

The DBpedia project has been generating semantic information from the english wikipedia. From June 2011 the extraction process extracts information from Wikipedia in 15 of their non-english languages. One of these is the Spanish language. The DBpedia internationalization committee has assigned a web site and a SPARQL endpoint to each one of these languages.

The extraction process for the Spanish language has produced so far almost 100 millon RDF triples. In the SPARQL endpoint the most relevant triples (~70 millions) are available. This work depends on researchers from UPM: (Mariano Rico, untill Nov 2013 at UAM) and Oscar Corcho, both of them belonging to the Spanish Thematic Network of Linked Data, as well as individuals who dedicate their time and effort to this initiative. This initiative started on a mapping generation hackathon that was celebrated under the auspices of the aforementioned network Acknowledgement

Full information about the Spanish Chapter of DBpedia (SPARQL EndPoint, data, developers info, etc) can be found in the WIKI.

Quick start

This is a query over the Spanish dbpedia: "What bullfighters were married to copla singers?"(copla is a traditional Spanish style, existing as a category in the Spanish Wikipedia).

Do you want to see it slowly? Copy and paste in the Spanish SPARQL endpoint the query text you see in the following box.

PREFIX dcterms: <>
SELECT ?torero ?cantante WHERE{
  ?torero rdf:type dbpedia-owl:BullFighter .
  ?torero dbpedia-owl:spouse ?cantante .
  ?cantante dcterms:subject <ía:Cantantes_de_coplas>

Click the "Run Query" button. As you can see, this is the answer:


Here you can find more examples and open questions.
Concerning copyright, have a look at this wiki page.

Latest News

  • January 17th 2020. New data uploaded. Oficial version 10-2016 from DBpedia.

About us

RTE Linked Data

About esDBpedia in Twitter

Developed by Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), ETSI Informáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).
Contact email: mariano.rico(at)
Built with Bootstrap
Latest revision May 2020

Supported by: "Red Temática Española de Linked Data" project (TIN2010-10811-E) and "Go Lite" project (TIN2011-24139).